A Truthical Adventure
This refreshed, funny, and heart-stirring story follows Kendall, a college student desperate to rewrite a final paper before going home for the holiday break. After looking for WiFi in all the wrong places, she stumbles upon Sam’s Rock-Around-the-Clock, a 24-hour diner with singing servers. With the help of the restaurant’s owner, Samantha, and her fumbling twin brother, Guy, Kendall embarks on a dazzling overnight quest to find “truth” and journeys to unexpected places along the way.
Performances are live at Gateway Southlake only. The performances will be live streamed at gatewaypeople.com and will not be simulcast to other campuses or available to watch on demand.
Reserve Your SeatWe invite you to this joyful, family-friendly musical adventure.
Reservations open on Tuesday, December 3, at 12 pm. Walk-up seating will also be available.
Admission is free, but seat reservations are required.
Children's ministry is available for newborns through five years old during the performances.
No matter where you are, you can experience our Christmas show online beginning 7 pm (CT) on Wednesday, December 11. The show will be available to watch online only during the live performance showtimes and will not be available on demand.
Available during the 4 pm (CT) performance on Saturday, December 14 at the Southlake Campus.
Spanish interpretation will not be available for our in-person performances.